High-quality, ubiquitous, and portable telemetry to enable effective observability
Tempo is the tracing puzzle of the Grafana observability portfolio.
Ref: Trace — Log Correlation with Grafana Tempo
Youtube:初探 OpenTelemetry 工具組:蒐集遙測數據的新標準
初探 OpenTelemetry 工具組:蒐集遙測數據的新標準
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點入其中一個Trace ID
點入其中一個Span ID
detail of sql query
(1) 確認Local可生成監控數據(trace/log/metrics)
(2) k8s Application deploy setting
(3) Grafana or others(ex:SigNoz) 呈現 use tempo (datasource)
Example Application (OpenTelemetry Agent) <- (OTLP/gRPC)- OpenTelemetry Collector <- Tempo <- (Grafana|Others)
is OpenTelemetry Agent:::danger
(需重寫以下...for Python解說)
需新增: dockerfile adjustment, Basic(不改動source code) vs Advanced(動source code)
OpenTelemetry(OTel) with Python
官網參考_Python Application adopt OpenTelemetry
Automatic instrumentation
Automatic instrumentation captures telemetry at the edges of your systems, such as inbound and outbound HTTP requests.
opentelemetry-distro package
Install the opentelemetry-distro package, which contains the OpenTelemetry API, SDK and also the tools opentelemetry-bootstrap and opentelemetry-instrument...
Code Snippet - Traces
from random import randint
from flask import Flask
from opentelemetry import trace
# Acquire a tracer
tracer = trace.get_tracer("diceroller.tracer")
app = Flask(__name__)
def roll_dice():
return str(roll())
def roll():
# This creates a new span that's the child of the current one
with tracer.start_as_current_span("roll") as rollspan:
res = randint(1, 6)
rollspan.set_attribute("roll.value", res)
return res
Code Snippet - Metrics
# These are the necessary import declarations
from opentelemetry import trace
from opentelemetry import metrics
from random import randint
from flask import Flask, request
import logging
# Acquire a tracer
tracer = trace.get_tracer("diceroller.tracer")
# Acquire a meter.
meter = metrics.get_meter("diceroller.meter")
# Now create a counter instrument to make measurements with
roll_counter = meter.create_counter(
description="The number of rolls by roll value",
app = Flask(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def roll_dice():
# This creates a new span that's the child of the current one
with tracer.start_as_current_span("roll") as roll_span:
player = request.args.get('player', default = None, type = str)
result = str(roll())
roll_span.set_attribute("roll.value", result)
# This adds 1 to the counter for the given roll value
roll_counter.add(1, {"roll.value": result})
if player:
logger.warn("{} is rolling the dice: {}", player, result)
logger.warn("Anonymous player is rolling the dice: %s", result)
return result
def roll():
return randint(1, 6)
For Deploy to Kubernetes
在不改動 source code 的情況下,將 Opentelemetry 的 Python auto-instrumentation 加入,導入 trace/log/metrics 監控數據生成